
  • Who can join?

    Any Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife, Registered Enrolled Nurse, Registered Undergraduate Students of Nursing or Midwifery (RUSON/M) and Assistants in Nursing / PCA with Cert III.

  • How do I join?

    You can apply online by clicking 'Join'

    Follow the prompts and answer all questions. At the end, you will be asked to enter your method of payment. 

    This will automatically be sent to the Membership Officer, who will process your new membership within 3 business days or less. 

  • Am I covered Nationwide?

    No. Whilst the ANMF is a nationwide organisation, each state and territory are autonomous. 

    If you will be moving interstate, even for a short time, you need to contact the branch where your membership is held, to discuss your options.

  • What happens to my membership if I move?

    If you are moving to another state to work, you will need to transfer your membership.  

    Any fees paid in advance will be transferred to the other state/territory when you transfer. 

  • How long does it take for my application to be processed?

    Generally your application will be processed within 3 business days. 

    However if there is any information missing or incorrect on the join form then it will depend on how quickly we can contact you to get the required information to complete the process for you. 


  • Am I covered for Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    Yes, as long as your membership is financial.

    Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) $10 million in any one claim and in the aggregate (with four reinstatements)

    Plus Public Liability $10 million in any one occurrence.

  • Can I claim my fees in my tax?

    Yes. All fees paid are fully tax deductible. 

  • What do I need to do when I wish to resign?

    You need to notify the ANMF NT Branch in writing of your intention to resign giving 2 weeks notice. You can email your resignation to membership@anmfnt.org.au 

    If you are heading interstate, you can transfer to another ANMF branch (all states/territories are affiliated, including QNMU etc). 

    This will keep your membership continuous, which you will benefit from in the long term like eligibility re Legal Assistance.

  • How do I become more active in the Union?

    Become an ANMF NT Job Delegate for  your worksite.  ANMF NT will provide you with resources and free training.  

    An application form is available in the members  area of the member portal.

  • Where do I go to find out what I should be paid?

    This website member portal has agreements that have been approved by the Fair Work Commission. 

    Click on your relevant agreement and view the page which discusses your workplace wages. 

  • I come from a state where nurses work to ratios as a workload tool. What are the ratios in the NT?

    The NT does not have ratios as a workload tool. Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) are used in all Public Hospitals. 

    ANMF NT are working towards ratios or a better way to reduce patient to staff numbers. Including counting the babies in postnatal wards.

    The DoH Chief Nurse & Midwifery Office is undertaking a large cohurt study and education on reviewing and upgrading all rosters, to make sure the NHpPD has been collated correctly, to include LSL, ARL, SL & Mat Leave. On first investigation this wasn't implemented correctly, however are now all being upgraded.

  • I am not a member, but I have an issue.

    The ANMF NT provides support and assistance to financial members.  If you are not a member and require advice, as per the ANMF National Rules, and the ANMF NT Policy. You may join, but you will be required to pay the annual fee, upfront. 

    The services you are entitled to in these circumstances, is limited telephone/email advice. 

  • My employer has handed me a contract. What do I do?

    If you are a financial member, contact the ANMF NT (8920 0700) and an organiser will review your contract before you sign it with your employer.

  • The police have requested that I complete a witness statement, what do I do?

    If you are an ANMF NT financial member, contact the branch.  

    Do not make any statements (other than simple incident reports) until you have contacted the ANMF NT.  

    ANMF NT will provide an organiser to assist & guide you through this process.

  • I have been summonsed to appear before the Coroner, what do I do? I have received a notification from AHPRA?

    If you are an ANMF NT financial member, contact the branch for advice.  

    ANMF NT will provide an organiser to assist you & guide you through this process.

  • My manager has requested I attend a meeting with her/him.

    If you are a financial member, seek advice from the ANMF NT branch. 

    We can come to the meeting with you as support person and give advice.

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